Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
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Recruiter/Manager - Youth Orchestra

American Youth Symphony Orchestra (AYSO) currently has a Manager and Marketing position open

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

- Maintain effective communication with AYSO members, parents, coaches, and staff including: Communicating rehearsal notes, instrumentation, equipment and library needs for distribution to members

- Assist in the development and implementation of a recruitment program in the local community through schools schools and their music instructors

- Assist in fund raising efforts and developing relationships with local and state governments, music organizations, and patrons and potential patrons, which relationships are intended to increase the exposure, opportunities and funding of the AYSO programs

- Assist AYSO staff in playing a visible and active role in the community; helps develop the overall public image of the orchestra in the community and beyond. Speak publicly when called upon to do so as an advocate for the AYSO and music education and provide leadership in the arts community as related to music education for youth

- Meet with AYSO staff to coordinate events

- Stay up-to-date on new music and of artistic activities in the youth orchestra field; recommend to AYSO staff new activities that may advance the orchestra’s objectives

- Collaborate with AYSO staff in developing long term artistic plans for the orchestra such as: subscription concerts, special concerts, chamber ensemble programs, tours, etc

- Recruit, market & manage youth orchestra and other internal programs

- Perform other duties as necessary'- Work Performed - Remotely / On Site

- Email Resume to

Contact Info:
American Youth Symphony Orchestra (AYSO)
Job Type: Permanent
Compensation: $18-25/hour
Location: Clarendon Hills, IL