Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
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Chicago Artists Coalition's residency offers artists and curators unique opportunities to develop their practices, collaborate, and exchange ideas
“I am truly thankful to have been given the opportunity to exhibit at EXPO, I hope to continue to stay in touch. It is bittersweet moment knowing that EXPO was the culmination of my BOLT residency. I wish I could be a resident of CAC continuously, the amount of support that you all provide is truly integral in cultivating my artistic career, I am humbled and thankful.”
Yvette Mayorga
BOLT Resident
“BOLT allowed me to look at my career from various viewpoints up-close and far away, short-term and long-term. I definitely began to see my career as something much bigger and broader than I had before.”
Amina Ross
BOLT Resident
“During my time at CAC, I went from a graduate student with a few group shows on my resume to an artist with five solo shows, gallery representation, and a Special Project (Seep) seen by 30,000 people at EXPO CHICAGO in 2014. All a direct result of my time at Chicago Artists' Coalition (through my shows there and BOLT studio visits).”
Erik Peterson
HATCH and BOLT Resident
“HATCH Projects gave me a valuable opportunity to work with artists outside of my immediate creative community. As a curator, I now have access to a group of artists who will do amazing work in the city and elsewhere. In addition to building my professional community, HATCH challenged what I already knew and expanded my capacity to generate thoughtful ideas and exciting exhibitions.”
Le Keisha Leek
HATCH Resident

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