Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Chicago Artists Coalition helps people connect with opportunities including calls for artists, jobs, and available studio space


Arts administration ,
submitted by
Deanna Miera

Program Assistant - Winter-Spring 2020

Posted September 2019

Inclusive Dates: January 6 – June 21, 2020.


ThepositionholdsanadministrativeroleinassistingtheAIR(Artists-In-Residence)office with day to day operations, record keeping, and communications.One role of this position is to have staff presence amongst the residents during evening/weekend hours, which is critical to the positive experience of the residents and the healthy flow of communication between residents and staff. A unique, supportive relationship to the artist community is created with thisposition.Itfostersinsightintotheneedsandconcernsofresidentartistsaswellastheoverallfieldofartist residencyconstituents.


The Program Assistant maintains diplomatic, professional, and informative communication between residents and Ragdale staff. Reports to and is supervised by the Residency Manager.


The Program Assistant will be required to assist the Residency Manager in the following:

  1. Organizing materials for incoming residents including creating web profiles for AIR, maintaining accurate data in the database and cloud-based storage.
  2. Editing and printing welcome packets and residency session documents.
  3. Organizing materials for recruitment of potentialapplicants.
  4. Maintaining accurate data entry and the processing of applications relevant to the current application deadline, including but not limited to the organizing and processing of juror scores, financial aid, fellowship information, and notification correspondences.
  5. Attend all scheduled staff meetings and report to staff about current resident news and necessary happenings with the residentcommunity.
  6. Maintaining general correspondences between applicants, alumni, current residents, and Ragdalestaff.


Whenartistsareinsession,theProgram Assistant willberequiredtoassistResidency Manager in maintaining positive, diplomatic relationship between the resident community and staffby:

  1. Responding to Resident inquiries and requests in a timely manner.
  2. Attendingdinnerswithresidentsany1-3nightsperweek,includingmandatory Monday night orientationdinners.
  3. Servingasthestaffcontactforresidentemergenciesduringnon-officehours.
  4. Documentingresidency activities throughphotography,video,blogging,oranyother meansasdeterminedbytheResidencyManager.
  5. Creating a regular artist presence on our social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, andInstagram.
  6. Maintaining social harmony within the community as necessary andwithin means.


TheProgram Assistant shallwork20hoursperweekinexchangefortheuseoftheRagdale Houseapartmentandmealswithresidents.Thehourswillbedividedasfollows:

The Program Assistant will work 16 hours in the office, scheduled during regular office hours which will be spent on administrative duties as described above. These 16 hours can be divided into two 8-hour working days or as mutually agreed upon. The Program Assistant will spend 1-3 nights per week with the residents at dinner, totaling 2 hours, plus an extra 2 hours for “on-call” duties.

REQUIRED SKILLS: Office Suite including Word and Excel


DonorPerfect (or similar database) data entry, Office 365 Suite, Adobe Creative suite, digital photography and video, Wordpress site management, social media, writing and editing.


TheProgram Assistant isapart-timestaffpositionthatallowssomeonetoliveintheRagdaleHouse apartment in a mutual, non-cash exchange (room and board) with Ragdale. This is a 2-month contract position. The timeframe may be longer than 2 months (and up to 6 months) with the option to extend on a monthbymonthbasisperdiscretionofRagdaleStaff.The Program Assistant iscommittedto20-hours per week to maintain a part-time staff distinction. It is recommended that the Administrative Assistant have an additional source ofincome.

Approximate value of the 6-month exchange: ($16,200)

Housing: $1,500/mo x 6 mo = $9,000

Meals: 3 meals/day provided by staff chef x6 mo. = $7,200

Please send Resume and Cover Letter to

Contact Info:
Amy Sinclair
Job Type: Freelance/Contract/Temp
Location: Lake Forest, IL