Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Chicago Artists Coalition helps people connect with opportunities including calls for artists, jobs, and available studio space


Theater ,
submitted by
Kevin Pease

Auditions - Top Dog Under Dog - Beverly Arts Center

Non-Equity Casting Notice

The Beverly Arts Center is casting for “Top Dog/Under Dog,” a play by Suzan Lori Parks directed by Ardarius “AD” Blakely. Performance dates will be October 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 2019 in The Studio Theatre at the Beverly Arts Center, 2407 W 111th Street, Chicago, IL 60655. Auditions will be held on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 6-9pm. Call backs will be held on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 6-9pm. Rehearsals will be held 3 days per week based on actor/director availability. Actor’s will be paid $800 for this gig, which includes rehearsal time and performances.


Two African-American brothers, Lincoln and Booth, jokingly named by their father after the relationship between John Wilkes-Booth and President Abraham Lincoln, have a tumultuous relationship. Both brothers, abandoned by their parents, have depended on each other for survival since they were teens.

Lincoln (Link) (25-35) The older of the two brothers, Link was a master of Three-Card Monte, who retired from the con after a friend was killed during a game. Having found honest work at a carnival, ironically, impersonating Abraham Lincoln, the effects of people paying to walk up behind him and shoot him, have taken their toll.

Booth (20-25) Recently kicked out by his ex-wife, Cookie, Booth is living with his older

brother. His life consists of hustling and enjoying a life of pleasure while reminiscing

about his childhood. Lazy and uninspired, his lack of discipline causes the majority of the

conflict between the two brothers. Most of what Booth wants for the future is tied to

getting Link away from the carnival and back in the card game.


How to Submit:

Please submit headshot and resume to Director, AD Blakely, at No phone calls please. Auditions are by invite only.

What to prepare:

Actors should prepare a 60 second monologue and also be prepared to read sides from the script.

Contact Info:
Job Type: Freelance/Contract/Temp
Location: South Side, Chicago