Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Chicago Artists Coalition helps people connect with opportunities including calls for artists, jobs, grants, and art advising

Call For


Visual Art ,
submitted by
Gene Wagendorf III

Request For Qualifications - Public Mural Project in Ravenswood/47th Ward

Ravenswood Community Council, in partnership with 47th Ward Alderman Matt Martin, and SSA #31, are seeking muralists for a public art project! Through this Request for Qualifications, we hope to reach experienced artists interested in creating a new gateway to Ravenswood.

This project presents a rare opportunity to create a signature work of public art for one of Chicago’s most vibrant neighborhoods.

To be assured of consideration, submissions must be received no later than 5:00 PM CDT on Friday, May 31, 2024.

3 finalists will be paid a $1,000 honorarium to develop full Proposals.

The total budget for the final mural project is $40,000.
This includes all artist fees,
supplies, and costs related to the related community engagement.

Name: Gene Wagendorf III
Address: 1770 W Berteau, Suite 101
Phone: (773) 975-2088