Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Chicago Artists Coalition helps people connect with opportunities including calls for artists, jobs, and available studio space

Call For


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Reclaimed Beauty

Reclaimed Beauty: An Outdoor Installation Exhibit Exploring the Effects of Consumables and Waste on the Natural World Installation Overview Mayslake Peabody Estate is seeking proposals from artists for Reclaimed Beauty, an outdoor installation exhibit of recycled and re-purposed materials that explores how the human consumption of goods and the resulting waste affects the environment.Selected artists will each receive a $300 stipend and marketing exposure via various Forest Preserve District initiatives.Submissions must follow all guidelines, and applicants are encouraged to visit Mayslake Forest Preserve in advance to view the site. The preserve is open from one hour after sunrise until one hour after sunset. A map with specific installation locations is available upon request by emailing Peabody Estate, which includes the Tudor Revival-style Mayslake Hall, serves as an education center dedicated to connecting people to nature through the arts and history. The surrounding 90-acre forest preserve is an oasis for those who love art, architecture, history and nature.Please see the attachment for requirements and application form.
Deadline: 03.05.2019
Name: Kendra Strubhart
Address: 1717 W 31st StreetOak Brook  Illinois  60523United States
Phone: 6302069585