Chicago Artists Coalition helps people connect with opportunities including calls for artists, jobs, and available studio space
Learning Process 3: Call for Artists
Seeds Center is having its 3rd Annual Art Show Fundraiser - Learning Process! Artists receive comped access to food, free drinks, 3 workshop tickets, and a complimentary entry to our raffle usually valued of hundreds of dollars. If accepted, artists are expected to pay a $35 fee to display up to 3 works of art with an additional $10 for all other works. If also vending, there is an additional $10 to vend for a 4-foot table space - feel free to also bring your own small tables in conjunction. There is no commission for any event participants. Just vending? Then just pay $40 flat. Also, be prepared to also meet Saturday, April 27th at 6:30pm to be oriented for the event, meet other artists, and also performers. Deadline to email for details and to submit any samples of your work that relate to the show's theme: Learning Process and/or our secondary theme and focus for the year: Culture and Community is April 6th, 2019. We are also looking for musicians as well for our Battle of the Bands for our event on Saturday May 4th from 2:30pm to 6:30pm at 1212 W Balmoral Ave. Admission is free and raises funds for programs rethinking learning. For more information about Seeds Center, feel free to visit and to learn more about the event