Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Chicago Artists Coalition helps people connect with opportunities including calls for artists, jobs, grants, and art advising

Call For


Visual Art ,
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Call for ILLINOIS Artists: College of Lake County Lakeshore Campus Waukegan

The Art-in-Architecture Program of the Capital Development Board is pleased to announce a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to Illinois professional artists for the purchase of permanent original art for the College of Lake County (CLC), Lakeshore Campus in Waukegan, Illinois.

The Lakeshore Campus along Genesee St. in Waukegan serves as a community hub, supports economic growth, and through educational opportunity leads to family-sustaining careers. This new facility connects directly to our vibrant arts community, highlights some of our most scenic views of our lakefront and downtown opportunities, and utilizes Waukegan’s access to public transportation.
The new six-story Lakeshore Center is fully integrated into the campus linking the second and third floors to the existing 33 N. Genesee St. building.
The 62,000+ square foot addition includes a Welcome and One-Stop Center, Library, community meeting space, general education classrooms, labs, tutoring center, and other support services. It also allows expansions of existing programs including digital media, manufacturing, hospitality, horticulture, and entrepreneurship.

The total budget is $71,635 and will be used to purchase artwork from artists in a variety of media and themes. The College is interested in purchasing “mini-series” from multiple artists.

Name: Arts-in-Architecture Coordinator
Address: Wm.G. Stratton Bldg. FL3/401 S. Spring St.
Phone: 2177206118