Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Chicago Artists Coalition helps people connect with opportunities including calls for artists, jobs, grants, and art advising

Call For


Visual Art ,
submitted by
Dennissa Young

Birthday Sweethearts Open Call

It’s writer Taylor Thorburg and poet Julián Martinez’s birthdays!!! Let’s celebrate these two with a response to their work. We are looking for artists, writers, creatives to make a piece of art or writing corresponding to one of their pieces provided. You can make a visual representation of how the work makes you feel, you can make a blackout poem, you can respond metaphorically, visually, emotionally. Let their writing inspire you to create something new!

Deadline: 04.29.2024
Name: Yes Project Space
Address: 1029 W 35th St
Phone: 8327907985