Regina Mamou has a research-based practice that focuses on the desire to understand the diversity of ideological systems, especially as it relates to communism and totalitarianism. This interest stems from her familial background where she grew up with the awareness of the implications of political ideology intertwined with religion. Mamou's mother, who is Polish-American, and Mamou's father, who is a Christian-Chaldean from Iraq, raised her multiculturally. As a former priest, Mamou's father left the clergy, and Iraq, for fear of persecution. For this reason, she is interested in not only the examination of social utopias but also the struggle to create community through a dystopian future. Mamou holds an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and received a Fulbright to Jordan.
Image: Looping Swans, 2018. Medium: 12-channel video installation as part of the "Frame Rate" series for LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division) at The Cabin (Los Angeles, California).
HATCH Projects