Nicholas Sagan ::.::..:::...:..:::..:: interdisciplinary and new media artist ::.::..:::...:::.:.:..:::..:: "A paradox is a strange thing. Since it is generally defined as a 'contradictory set of premises,' it seems that there are different ways of interpreting the construction of the premises. It must be kept in mind that contradictory and complementary are not mutually exclusive qualities. It also so happens that the two pursuits of art and science thrive on the paradox. "Regardless of how either of these methods deals with any potential or damning paradox, the end goal is one in the same: to gain insight into the workings of reality and the many shapes it takes. To engage in either of these disciplines full-heartedly with regard to the pursuit and dissemination of true knowledge is to actively participate in the construction of reality. But there is a trick: Everyone who comes into contact with these additions must trust them to be true, at least so far as to want to verify them against their own experiences. So how does the artist or scientist go about constructing trustworthy elements of reality? How do we define what is real in light of this constantly fluctuating in-and-out flow of knowledge and information—two very separate things—and how do we engage a healthy skepticism about our world and the things we are told and learn? "It is the intention of my work to explore these questions using parallels found in both art and science. Artistic processes can borrow some of the visual and theoretical languages found in observational astronomy and quantum physics to construct new interpretations of old data. Those commonalities also lead to the development of new forms and ideas, some of which can be replicated whereas others are completely unique to a time and place. This dual-forked path of art and science is the focusing principle of my work. As theory and practice continue to cross-pollinate, especially through these disciplines, I find a richness and potential of resources and ideas that keeps art making interesting." Learn more about Nicholas Sagan’s HATCH exhibitions The Terrestrial, The Celestial, and The Imagined Inbetween and Natural Fallacy.
HATCH Projects