Nominated by Northern Illinois University Inspired by the intricacies found within the organization of the universe, Natalie Tarnowski combines print media with experimental techniques and mediums, in an effort to use prints as three-dimensional elements. By integrating materials such as gelatin, it specifically affords the added challenge of giving the prints a “life-span” in which they are born, live, and then die. Tarnowski’s Road Kill series highlights the inherent order found within chaotic processes, such as disintegration or destruction. As is typical of human nature to perceive disintegration or destruction as concepts without a rigid structure or system, juxtaposing a highly mathematical, man-made construct upon a natural construct, we begin to visualize an imaginary order that helps us to dismantle organic substance that, in a realistic scenario, would not be dismantled in such an orderly fashion. This in turn allows for a more easily acceptance of entropy as something integral to the natural function of the universe. Natalie Tarnowski is a recent graduate of Northern Illinois University. Image: Raccoon Leg Muscle III (Day 1), 12" x 12", Screen Prints in Gelatin, 2013.
LAUNCH Invitational