Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment
Wed-Thu: 11AM-5PM | Fri-Sat: by advance appointment

Marvin Young

Marvin Young is a self-taught artist and a lifelong resident of Chicago’s South Side. With almost no connection to the art market or broader art community, Marvin has been dedicated to art-making since he was a child. He observes his world intensely and draws constantly as an expression and record of people and places in his community as he’s experienced them over the decades. These portraits and various city scenes, both imagined and remembered, capture his hometown in a singular voice. Quite prolific, Marvin often produces several small scale drawings a day. He draws quick, yet detailed representations of figures and urban architecture, his subjects ranging from female police officers to taxis to the public housing project he lived in on Cottage Grove.

SPARK Microgrant

2019 - 2020,
Grant Recipient