Denise Hoover is an artist discovering that making art is a silent conversation on many levels, an awareness of internal and external nuances that prompt her to create. She welcomes the blind impulse arriving unannounced from unconscious or subconscious treasures. Their conversations are rooted in the now time and place with an inward gaze toward past and sometimes the future laying out a myriad of possibilities, usually beckoned toward a new path to an unknown destination. The fun or scary part begins, originating from different vantage points. It may begin with a sense experience, an investigation of material, a gestural mark making impulse, a color or colors, a visual grabbed from reality, a connection with art history, a symbol or sign, a word etc. etc. Body, mind and heart are unified in the recollection, reflection, wiring and timing of these silent conversations between the artist as the work begins with the untitled. She feels the process is akin to that of an engineer, an Aesthetic Engineer. The final conversation is with the audience or single viewer, most often, in silence. Denise Hoover graduated from St. Mary’s College of Notre Dame (enrolled in the co-ex program with University of Notre Dame) in 1969. She received her Certificate of Painting from SAIC in 2008 and her MFA from Vermont College of Fine Art in July 2015.
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