Danny Orendorff is a curator, writer, teacher, and activist currently working as Programming Associate for Threewalls, a non-profit gallery in Chicago, IL. Orendorff was previously Curator-in-Residence & Interim Director of Artistic Programs for The Charlotte Street Foundation in Kansas City, MO, where he also taught at the Kansas City Art Institute. Previously the Assistant Director of The Renegade Craft Fairs, his independent curatorial projects focusing on themes of queerness, feminism, non-normativity and DIY or craft-oriented art production have been hosted by The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design (Asheville, NC), Glass Curtain Gallery (Chicago, IL), and SF Camerawork (San Francisco, CA), among others. Orendorff has had essays published by the Chicago Cultural Center, H&R Block Artspace at the Kansas City Art Institute, Grand Arts, and the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, and his writing has been featured on Art21, Art Practical, Art in America Online, and Bad at Sports.
LAUNCH Invitational