My work explores the relationship between the human condition andthe eagerness to understand past memories. As we move forward in time,we leave traces of who we are which dictates how we will be perceived byfuture generations. Through the collection of items that are discarded orleft behind, I began to defne my position as an artist by my emotional andaesthetic attachment to these knickknacks. The use of such items in mywork is intended to convey a search for purpose and relate to my sense ofcuriosity and aesthetic vision. These items are often functionless, showtraces of human trafc, and are often dated, which sparks an interestingfeeling of nostalgia. Using these items re-purposes them in a way thatcreates a narrative as well as ofering an alternative view of past realities.Using collage to explore abstraction has informed my fgurative work byallowing me to discover interesting uses of color and composition. It is myhope that my work provides elements of surprise and frustration. It is acommon theme for us as humans to seek out answers though our past,and my work is a manifestation of this exploration.
LAUNCH Invitational