Abigail Satinsky is the Interim Executive and Artistic Director at Threewalls in Chicago, a twelve year old non-profit supporting Chicago artists and the contemporary art community through exhibitions, publications, professional development and public programs. She is the Grant Administrator for the Propeller Fund, which gives grants to public and collaborative projects in Cook County, edits Phonebook (a national directory of artist-run spaces and projects), and is co-founder of Hand in Glove, a national conference on grassroots arts organizing and Common Field, an emerging national organization aimed at building resources and advocacy for small-scale arts organizing. She is a founding member of InCUBATE, an artist research group focusing on art economies and co-initiator of Sunday Soup, an international micro-granting project. She recently finished editing the book Support Networks for the Sullivan Galleries at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and released by University of Chicago Press in fall 2014 on the history of socially-engaged and artist-run initiatives in Chicago, and teaches courses at School of the Art Institute of Chicago on social and curatorial practice.
LAUNCH Invitational